Examples of Fraud Include:
- Submitting an invoice or a claim for reimbursement that is not substantiated or has already been paid from another source
- Charging personal purchases to a University account or purchasing card
- Authorizing or receiving payment for goods not received or services not performed
- False time reporting
- Undisclosed conflict of interest
Ways to Prevent:
- Ensure T&E reports and p-card transactions are fully reviewed by someone who is knowledgeable of the expense, including all supporting documentation
- Ask questions if you do not understand what you are approving or if the supporting documentation does not make sense
- Ensure T&E reports include a detailed and appropriate business purpose in accordance with policy
- Require itemized receipts, particularly for employee reimbursements when the employee did not utilize a UCLA travel or procurement card
- Ensure segregation of duties exists between approver and processing of transactions
- Perform periodic user access reviews to identify employees with inappropriate or excessive access (not aligned with job responsibilities or no longer with department)
Ways to Detect:
- Complete timely ledger reviews, Analytical Ledger Review, Management Ledger Reviews, and Quarterly Ledger Reviews
- Ensure travel expenses are reconciled timely
- Review purchases for trend analysis and investigate irregularities
- Carry out inventory counts on a regular basis and verify against the asset registry
- Secure access to physical equipment